DRMetrix overview for Media Companies

DRMETRIX, Mar 28, 2024 | Print Page
Direct Response Television

If you’re a media company looking to drive more advertising revenue from the brand/direct and direct response television industry, you’ve come to the right place.

Since deploying our AdSphere™ system in late 2014, over 199 million short form airings have been detected in addition to over 997.0k infomercial airings. Today, AdSphere™ monitors over 165+ networks. Industry billing was over 20.3 billion based on our 2023 Industry Study.

To make sure your media properties are receiving their fair share of these market dollars, DRMetrix has developed AdSphere™.

Adsphere Industry Firsts:

  • Pattern and optical character recognition technologies combined with ACR detects new commercials with phone, URL, price points, etc. 157,470 unique responsive creatives identified to date.
  • First competitive media research system to monitor all ad formats including spot, 5 min, and 28.5 minute. 199,305,339 airings detected to date.
  • Airings reported within 30-45 minutes of airtime. No more waiting 4-6 weeks for data.
  • National cable airings segmented and valued based on break type. No other competitive media system monitors commercial grade network feeds in a DPI compliant manner.
  • Full Video playback of all creatives including spot, 5 min, and 28.5 minute.
  • Ability to segment campaigns using DR variations (ie: different 800 number or promotion codes) from brand/direct campaigns (using vanity call to action).
  • Compare your networks share-of-market by advertiser, brand, creative and/or by industry category against any other group of networks monitored by DRMetrix (165 to choose from). Discover new opportunities across any or all industry formats: short form, 5 min, and 28.5 minute.

Discover your network’s share-of-market

The days of erroneous and misleading data are over. DRMetrix monitors commercial grade network feeds in a DPI compliant manner. We never report MVPD airings as national or overvalue schedules. The underlying data that our share-of-market reports are built on is industry leading.

Compare what advertisers, brands, and creatives are spending on your network against seven other networks of your choosing. Each group of eight networks is considered a comparison set. You can create as many comparative sets as you wish for any date range including for the current media week!

Filter for any combination of creative lengths to determine your network’s share-of-market for spot, 5 minute, or 28.5 minute infomercial business.

Determine which campaigns are spending the most across your chosen universe of networks and discover advertisers, brands, and creatives that are running on competitive networks.

The sample report below is a brand centric share-of-market analysis across eight networks. We can see that the brand with the top spend is Dovato with an estimated spend of $624,701 across the 8 networks.

Click image to enlarge

As you look across each network column, you’ll see how the spend is attributed to each network. Sort any network column to see top brands as well as where your network has a zero or subpar market share.

The sample report below is an advertiser share-of-market analysis. Drill down from Advertiser spend to see spend by brand. Drill down further to see spend by creative!

Click image to enlarge

Click on spend dollars to drill into media execution details across all networks or any individual network. Understand historical airing trends including day of week, hour of day, and/or daypart trends. Export creative detail, summary, and even complete airing details.

Click image to enlarge


For network business development, AdSphere™ has built the industry’s largest advertiser contact database complete with phone, email, and social media links. It’s easier than ever before to identify, qualify, and contact these valuable targeted prospects.

Click image to enlarge


Find any advertiser or brand in seconds and gain access to all current and historical creatives.


For agency business development and research, Adsphere™ makes it easy to keep up to date on all the new advertiser and brands being launched on television across 190 industry categories. Schedule daily or weekly email alerts for any categories, networks, advertisers, or brands you wish to monitor.

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A View Into Your Delivery like Never Before

The other side of sales is strong client services and being able to address the needs of your agency clients. If your network is one of the 165+ monitored by DRMetrix then AdSphere’s Network Log View will allow your client services team to create some very comprehensive reports. Imagine being able to quickly send the client a video clip of every one of their airings to prove clearance while addressing any and all possible questions such as:

  • 1 When did the spot or infomercial run?
  • 2 Were there any audio or video problems with the airing?
  • 3 Was the 800 number or promotion code in the airing correct?
  • 4 Did a competitor’s spot run in close proximity?
  • 5 Did the spot clear in the correct break type?
  • 6 Was the program description correct? (for infomercials)

AdSphere's Network Log View
Click image to enlarge

schedule a screen share demonstration

Please allow us to share AdSphere™ with you and your team. To schedule a screen share demonstration and free trial please click here.

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